Further to victory of Moen Kansaran Toos company in the investigation auction of exploration operation No.3 of Khorasan-Razavi between Fariman and Kadkan cities with an area of 4900 square kilometers, the exploration operation of the tracking and identification phase in this zone was completed. The defense meeting of mentioned exploration zone was held in the presence of the minister of mines and mining industries of the province and experts. With regard to the completion of these studies and administrative follow-ups, we hope that natural resources and environment department will approve the mentioned areas in near future and the exploration licenses for potential and promising areas would be issued for carrying out detailed and semi-detailed exploration studies on these areas.

In identification phase studies including studies of remote sensing, stream sediment geochemical and integrating and modulating mineral potential maps in geographic information system (GIS), more than 25 poly metal explorational targets of chromite, copper, gold and manganese were identified.

After that, in the tracking phase, identified targets were surveyed and sampled by two expert groups during 262 days of tracking operation. Eventually, the result of the actions taken led to the introduction of five poly metal exploration areas of chromite, copper-gold, iron and manganese to apply for exploration license and three promising areas with the potential of copper and magnesite which are worth carrying out detailed and supplementary studies to the ministry of mining industry and trade of the province.