In the result of deepening of subsurface exploration in the form of exploration operation during extraction to the depth of 130 meters from the ground and with an area of 4500 meters, Bagh-Qarah mine storage increased up to 300,000 tons with an average grade of 23 percent. In this mine acid ore and manganese carbonate are composed of elongated deposits that are coexisting for two kilometers in length between limestone and dolomite of the tertiary period (cretaceous) and are the reminder of sedimentary types of manganese mining in the area.
According to ore-mineralography studies the main mineralization in the surface parts of the mine is mostly oxide type (pyrolusite and manganite) and with increasing the depth of mineralization, the dominant mineralization becomes carbonate type (rhodochrosite and manganocalcite). This mine is currently extracted as an open pit and stopes, and the underground extraction operation are being equipped and implemented by sublevel caving method.