
    Completion of preliminary exploration operations in zone No.3 (Fariman-Kadkan) Khorasan-Razavi

    Further to victory of Moen Kansaran Toos company in the investigation auction of exploration operation No.3 of Khorasan-Razavi between Fariman and Kadkan cities with an area of 4900 square kilometers, the exploration operation of the tracking and identification phase in this zone was completed. The defense meeting of mentioned exploration zone was held in the

    By |2021-05-20T20:55:43+04:30April 3rd, 2021|News|0 Comments

      Completion of design studies and launching production line of single and triple super-phosphate fertilizer by using raw soil of Sheikh Abel phosphate mine:

      During the accomplished studies by research and development unit of the company, single super phosphate fertilizer with a concentration of P2O2 equal to 21 percent and triple super phosphate fertilizer with a concentration of P2O5 equal to 41 percent were manufactured directly from Sheikh Abel mine soil owned by the company without concentrating operation

      By |2021-05-26T21:17:17+04:30April 3rd, 2021|News|0 Comments

        Completion of exploration operation during extraction in Bagh-Qarah manganese mine:

        In the result of deepening of subsurface exploration in the form of exploration operation during extraction to the depth of 130 meters from the ground and with an area of 4500 meters, Bagh-Qarah mine storage increased up to 300,000 tons with an average grade of 23 percent. In this mine acid ore and manganese

        By |2021-05-20T20:55:35+04:30April 3rd, 2021|News|0 Comments
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